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Android Phone – One Step at a Time – User Guide


SKU: 7755 Category:


Smartphones — those fancy modern mobile phones that can go on the internet and do all sorts of things. They’re everywhere nowadays and no wonder — they can be very handy.

But the catch is it’s only easy to use them if you’ve been shown properly how to do it. Guessing or trying to work it out can be almost impossible — and you might end up in a right pickle…

And like most modern gadgets, you don’t usually get a manual. Even if you do get a manual, chances are it might as well be in Ancient Greek. The books in the shops aren’t much better – they seem to assume you already know half of it.

That’s why these books explain it all nice and simply, taking you through it all step by step, with clear English descriptions of what to do and pictures of the screen showing you where to tap and “swipe” the screen.

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