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Android Tablets – One Step at a Time – User Guide


SKU: 7756 Category:


Touchscreen tablets are nifty bits of kit. Lighter, easier to carry around and more convenient than PCs or laptops. They’re even easier to use in a lot of ways, too.

But there’s a catch. In fact two.

Catch number 1: They’re different from PCs. So even if they’re easier, if you’ve already learnt to use a PC, you have to start again.

Catch number 2 (this is the big one): There are quite a lot of important features that you can’t possibly work out how to use unless someone tells you. Things where you have to “swipe in” from a particular side of the screen – but there’s nothing to show you that’s what to do. Or where you have to make a particular “gesture” on the screen with your fingers.

These books explain everything nice and simply, in plain English, with pictures of the screen to show you exactly what to do.  No jargon!

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