Apple Independent Repair Provider

Opening Hours
Mon-Fri: 9:00 - 17:00
Sat: 9:00 - 13:00

Battery Replacement

Battery | Health | Revive Your Device

Does your Apple Mac struggle to last one day? Or a revision session or meeting? We regularly replace batteries in all types of devices which now includes Apple Mac’s. A new battery can give a new lease of life for your device.

You can check your battery’s condition by going to the Apple menu > System Settings, then click Battery in the sidebar. (You may need to scroll down.) Look at Battery Health on the right.

There are usually two defaults in the settings:

  • Normal: The battery is functioning normally.
  • Service recommended: The battery is performing normally, but its ability to hold a charge is less than when it was new. You may want to consider replacing the battery.
Book With Us
  • Battery
  • Battery Health
  • Randomly Shutting Off
  • Mac
  • Dies Quickly
Wanted to say big thank you to Lewis. Was unbelievably helpful with an amazing service and helped out a lot with everything to the best standard. Nothing was too much trouble so thank you for your help.

Wanted To Say Big Thank You

Emily Gammon, Google
Really helpful and answered my email really quickly with all of the information I asked for. They fixed the charging port on my iphone while we waited. Fantastic service and would highly recommend them.

Really Helpful

Zm, TrustPilot
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